Note: Relevance score has been deprecated in favour of Quality Ranking scores. These scores are available in Campaigns and Custom Reports.
What are the Quality Ranking components
Facebook defines the components as follows:
Conversion Rate Ranking
- "A ranking of your ad's expected conversion rate. Your ad is ranked against ads with your optimization goal that competed for the same audience."
Engagement Rate Ranking
- "A ranking of your ad's expected engagement rate. Engagement includes all clicks, likes, comments and shares. Your ad is ranked against ads that competed for the same audience."
Quality Ranking
- "A ranking of your ad's perceived quality. Quality is measured using feedback on your ads and the post-click experience. Your ad is ranked against ads that competed for the same audience."
The possible values for these metrics are as follows:
- Above Average
- Average
- Bottom 35% of ads
- Bottom 20% of ads
- Bottom 10% of ads
- Unknown
"Unknown" means there's not enough information about the ad. These metrics are only applicable to Ads and using them on any other level (e.g. Campaign) will also yield "Unknown".
Why Quality Rankings Matter
Ad relevance scores help you diagnose how relevant the ads are to the target audience. For example you could understand better why some ads are underperforming. A handy diagnostic tables is available here.