You can use Smartly automation features to create Snapchat campaign assets, like campaigns, ad sets, and ads, automatically from a data source. This reduces manual work as well as helps remove manual errors in campaign creation.
Automation can even make some use cases possible: launching campaigns on a very large scale and updating them quickly, creating weather-based campaigns that update automatically, and so on.
The basic building block of automation is asset data in an online data source, like a spreadsheet or a comma-separated values (CSV) file. To use the data in Snapchat campaigns in Smartly, you need to connect the data source to Smartly as an automation feed.
When automation is enabled for a Snapchat campaign, Smartly automatically creates assets based on the feed. When the data in the data source is updated, Smartly automatically updates the assets to Snapchat.
In Snapchat campaigns, you can automate the creation and updating of assets, like campaigns, ad sets, and ads. The basic principle is that one asset is created for each row in the feed. If needed, you can filter the feed to pick the correct items from the feed.
Before you start
- Make sure you have connected the necessary data feeds as automation feeds to Smartly.
- Make sure you have any Image and Video Templates available that you want to use for the automated ads.