If you encounter an error that isn't explained in this listing, contact our support chat or your CMS.
Creating or editing Meta campaigns
Campaign processing fails with: ".. You don't have required permission to access this profile."
Common reason: The user account that was used to connect ad account has changed password and/or enabled/disabled 2FA. Alternatively, the same user account may [no longer] have access to respective Facebook and/or Instagram page.
Workaround: Double-check permissions to respective pages and update them, if required. If that does not help, try reconnecting the account on ad account settings page.
Upsync to Facebook failed: We couldn't find the picture on our servers. Please select it from the image library or re-upload it. If the picture exists in the library, make sure your user has access to the account that owns the picture.
Common reason: Common reasons for this error are visible in the message itself, namely that a creative is referencing an image that has been deleted from the image library, or the campaign containing the creative has been cloned from an account to which the current user does not have access rights. However, another less obvious reason is often behind this error: trying to add a carousel creative, but forgetting to add an image to one or more carousel cards.
Workaround: Reupload the used image to the account's image library, or alternatively if adding carousel creatives check that each carousel card has an image selected.
Got following errors: "Invalid parameter: Invalid Page Types for Objective: None of the page types selected is allowed for campaign's objective"
Common reason: This error usually relates to trying to combine Audience Network placement and the Brand Awareness objective, which is not allowed by Meta.
Workaround: Either remove the Audience Network placement or change your Meta objective. You can read more about Meta's allowed placement and objective combinations in the Meta Ads Guide.
Failed to update: Upsync to Facebook failed: Got following errors: "Invalid parameter: Cannot Load Post: The post cannot be loaded, and this can be due to many reasons. For example, the post might not exist, or it exists but is blocked."
Common reason: Often encountered when updating an ad set in an existing campaign that includes an ad linked to a deleted post. There are also other possible reasons.
Workaround: Specify which post has been deleted from Meta, and archive that ad before making the changes to the ad set.
Got following errors: "Please reduce the amount of data you're asking for, then retry your request"
Common reason: This can occur for example when archiving a very large campaign, and simply means that the campaign in question is too large for the API to handle (contains a large number of ad sets or ads).
Workaround: Archive the campaign in parts; for example, archive half of the ad sets, and then try to archive the campaign itself again.
Upsync to Facebook failed: Got following errors: "Invalid parameter: Error Loading Image: The ad image could not be loaded"
Common reason: Most likely this means that the image does not exist on the account. For example, the image may have been removed on Meta's end.
Workaround: Reupload the image to Smartly's image library and try again.
"Failed to add creatives: Upsync to Facebook failed: Got following errors: "Invalid parameter: Creative and optimization_goal mismatch: The creative type contradicts to the optimization goal. The type of your creative has to be consistent with your optimization goal. Also please make sure your optimization goal is not NONE."
Common reason: Most often occurs when optimizing for Website conversions or Link clicks, with an actual link directing outside of Meta missing. So either there is no link or the link leads to a page within Meta.
Workaround: Add the missing URL link and ensure it directs outside of Meta. In addition, Video creatives using website clicks as an objective also require a CTA, so add this if it is missing.
Editing Facebook Ads Manager originated campaigns on Smartly or Smartly originated campaigns on Facebook
Recommendations We generally do not recommend the cross-platform editing of Meta originated campaigns on Smartly and vice versa as the Meta API is quite different from the native Ads Manager and can cause glitches or inconsistencies. However, if the edits are limited to budget or ad status (Pause, Active, Delete) changes - it should be still work as per normal.
Error rendering Value: Invalid name ‘' or library_id ‘’ in Media field
Common reason: Most often occurs when the media value is empty in either the main media or the Placement Customization.
Workaround: Add the missing media from the Library, feed or template. Alternatively, you can remove the Placement Customization.
Website Custom Audiences
Got following errors: "(#2663) Terms of service has not been accepted. To accept, go to https:...
Common reason: In order to utilize Website Custom Audiences, you need to accept Meta's WCA terms of service.
Workaround: Go to the link provided in the error message. And then wait for the information to be synced with smartly. You can check the status in respective ad account settings. Generally the update takes less than 30 minutes, but if it's been more than an hour or you are in a hurry, you can try using manual sync in the ad account settings. If that still does not help, please, contact support.
Got the following errors: "Invalid parameter: Overlapping Geo Locations: You have overlapping locations specified in the geo_locations field. Your broader option will override the narrower option, please remove one to proceed."
Common reason: Usually occurs when you use city-based targeting but also include the country in the targeting specifications. Only one of these is needed, and by default the larger of the two (country) would override the city selection.
Workaround: Remove either the country or the city from the targeting specs.
Feed/catalog based campaigns
Feed Status: Facebook failed to process the dynamic feed. To rule out configuration issues, please review your ad template and your feed settings. Facebook reported the following while processing the products: Severity: fatal. Error: #[PRICE FIELD]# [CURRENCY FIELD] is incorrectly formatted
Common reason: You may see this error at the top of a feed campaign's page. This most often means that the currency has been included in the feed's price field and configured in the feed settings. This sends the price information to Meta as for example "10.00 USD USD", which is invalid and the Meta fails to process it.
Workaround: Either remove the currency from the feeds price field, or an easier method is to simply not select a currency in the feed settings.
"Permissions error: Permission Required to Associate Event Sources: You don't have enough permissions to associate event sources to the catalog."
Common reason: The Meta authorizer of the account (NOTE: not the current user) does not have the required permissions in Business Manager to create DPA campaigns.
Workaround: Check the required permissions, and make the required changes to permissions.
Ad Studies
Upsync to Facebook failed: Business manager is required for Ad Studies
Common reason: The logic behind the audience splits for Ad Studies requires a Business Manager to be connected to the account.
Workaround: Connect the account to a Business Manager under Settings → Account
Ad account is currently disabled. Please contact your Facebook representative for more information.
Common reason: While the cause of the error is clear (disabled ad account), the root cause cannot be investigated by Smartly as the possible trigger as well as the disabled status come directly from Meta. Most often we have seen these being related to payment issues.
Workaround: Contact your Meta representative to enquire about possible reasons and next steps.
Got the following errors: "An unexpected error has occurred. Please retry your request later."
Common reason: This is an "unknown" issue on Meta's end. We don't have an answer to what is causing it can be given.
Workaround: Sometimes these errors are transient, and trying again in 10 minutes may clear the issue. However, the best thing here is to be in touch with our support chat (please include the request id), as we may be able to find some futher insights form our logs.