Note Smartly supports all Meta ad types.
Special campaign types
Advantage+ shopping campaigns
Advantage+ ads are Meta's machine learning assisted campaigns with simplified audience options and creative management. They let you combine audiences with a catalogue of products and use machine learning to target highest value customers. For more background information, see About Advantage+ shopping campaigns in Meta documentation.
For setup instructions, see Advantage+ shopping campaigns (ASC).
Advantage+ App campaigns
If you're looking to streamline your app advertising efforts while increasing performance, Advantage+ App Campaigns is the ideal solution. Creating Advantage+ App Campaigns through Smartly requires less input during campaign creation, simplifies audience options and streamlines the creative management process even at a large scale by using data feeds.
Read more: Advantage+ App Campaigns (old AAA) in Workspaces
Dynamic Ads
Dynamic Ads is any ads using a Catalog. Meta will show to each user the most relevant product based on signals.
Ads that support Catalog are Single Ad, Carousel Ad, Collection Ads and Advantage+ Creative (mix of carousel or collection format).
Read more:
Dynamic Ads support multiple languages in the ads, read more
Individual ad types
Single Image/ Video
These Ads have a single image or videos for all users in your target audience.
Learn more
You can use Placement Asset customization to have different formats for different placements
DCO to provide different assets and let Meta algorithm mix and match them
Dynamic Language optimization to deliver different language to different users in same audience
Multi-text to provide different copies
Carousel Ads with Image/Videos
Carousel allows you to showcase up to ten images or videos within a single ad, each with its own link. With more creative space within an ad, you can highlight different products, showcase specific details about one product, service or promotion, or tell a story about your brand that develops across each carousel card.
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Instant Experience ads
Facebook Instant Experience is a compelling way to tell a story in an immersive post-click experience. Instant Experience allows you to build full screen, interactive, native interactions without having to wait for web views to load. It provides unprecedented creative control on mobile, all built on Facebook’s optimized performance, insights, and targeting infrastructure. Instant Experience can include text, images, videos, and buttons. An integration of Lead Ad forms is expected for the future.
For information on how to create an Instant Experience, see Create Instant Experience ads.
Boosting organic posts
Many advertisers boost their organic posts in ads to maximize engagement and utilize their organic content in, for example, branding campaigns.
Posts are promoted based on post feeds, which you can automatically create and update based on one or more pages.
For more information, see Creating Automated Post Boosting campaigns.
Lead ads